Wednesday 25 March 2009

End of February Part 2

Foxy and friends

Des is pleased with his hat! Paul, Gayle & Yoko

End of February

Mark becomes Superman.....courtesy of Allan
Yoko is overjoyed with her new powder skis

A night at the Japanese restaurant

Nothing beats Rafters at the end of a days skiing

w/c 14th February

Ready for a night out . The neighbours dogs . A great night in

Cameras out at the Rock Cut. Allan receives his award from Jonathan

Sunday 22 February 2009

Trip to Northport

One of the the highlights of the CSQ week is the Tuesday night trip over the boarder into the States to visit Northport in Wahington State. Following a meal at the Whitebird restaurant, we then go on to ''Kuk's Bowling and Disco''. This place has to be experienced to believe.

CSQ video footage week 2

Here's the link to week 2 video footage of the CSQ course:

Saturday 21st February

Had a lazy days skiing with Dave, Gayle, Judy and Peter. Started at 11.00 am and finished at 2.15 pm. Dave had not been on downhill skis for years and was an experienced telemarker who prefered back country skiing. Having done a few groomers we headed for a few off piste runs. Dave proved himself to be an excellent downhill skier (apart from a couple of falls, which resulted in a tear in both his ski pants and his thermals).

Great nights out and in

Being on a CSQ course not only greatly improves your skiing technique, but also gives you the chance to socialise with like minded skiers that you meet whilst on the course.

CSQ instructors new uniforms - Friday 13th

Friday 13th , Mike, Emily and Nigel showed off the new CSQ uniforms that Mark Impey was considering buying for next year!

CSQ Ski Improvement Weeks 8th - 20th February

The last couple of weeks have been literally non-stop. It was the first time that I had taken 2 weeks of ski improvement courses back to back. My legs really felt it! Our instructor for the first week was Mike Manara, and for the second week was Jonathan Campagna. Having spent most of the time doing bumps in mogul fields my legs are now ready for a rest.

Mike Manara in his 'Bruce Manara aka Bruce Lee' outfit, and Jonathan explaining technique at Fridays award party.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Wednesday 4th February - Back to full strength

Denis takes some air!
Peter & Gayle

I'm amazed that I have recovered enough to ski today, but I feel great. Spoke to Fiona O'Brien this morning who said that she was unwell on Tuesday with the virus and that Michael now has it as well. Hopefully they will recover quickly.
Hugh McDowell gave me a lift to the hill where we met up with Brian, Peter and Denis. An adventurous days skiing, groomers mixed with off piste. The weather has gone warm again at just -2 degrees, the forecast is for it to get even warmer.
On Monday Brian ended up having to share a car to Rossland when his flight from Calgary flew over Castlegar, decided it was too cloudy, and so returned to Calgary. This happens a lot with Castlegar airport!
On our last run of the day we met up with Gayle and Peter who arrived in the early hours having driven fom Calgary........their flight on Tuesday was also cancelled!

Paul aplies the brakes

Brian, Paul & Peter

Monday Evening and Tuesday 3rd February

Spent Monday night and Tuesday recovering from a viral infection that lasts about 36 hours. Its doing the rounds in Rossland and is not a nice thing to happen. Its such a small town that any infections spread very rapidly. You end up feeling exhausted, but luckily the recovery time is not too long so I only lost the one day skiing.

Monday 2nd February

Great days skiing with Peter and Denis in the morning before they left for Castlegar at lunch time to pick Brian up who was flying in via Calgary. Skied with Michael O'Brien in the afternoon which was real fun. Michael is a very strong skier who is always pushing himself hard. His favourite runs are Beerbelly and Exhibition.

Picture shows Michael in full flow (picture of the week on the Canadian Skiquest site!)

Sunday 1st February - Super Bowl

Spent the afternoon with Peter and Denis watching the Super Bowl. An exciting game which I am still attempting to fully understand. Peter did his best to explain the rules, but I have a lot to learn. Great meal prepared by Denis, with Peter cooking on the barbecue.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Saturday 31st January - Rossland Winter Carnival

The Rossland Winter Carnival started on Friday with a variety of events throughout the weekend. There was a “Learn to Luge” Friday through Sunday, the Ski & Board Rail Jam in downtown Rossland and Family Fun Night with free night skiing on Saturday, as well as the John Heintz for Johan Relay on Sunday. From the 112th Carnival Parade to Snow Sculptures, Magic Shows, GT races, Beer Gardens, Dogsled rides and a wine tasting on the Saturday night.

I opted for watching the parade and the torch light descent on Red Mountain on Friday evening, watching the bobsleigh races on Saturday morning with Peter, and the wine tasting session on the Saturday night with Fiona and Michael. It was a fun couple of days. The bobsleigh race was over two heats and took place on Spokane road which is quite steep with a couple of tight bends, starts at the top of the town and finishes almost on the main street in the centre of Rossland.

Friday 30th January - Xcountry at Blackjack

Decided to go Xcountry skiing with Fiona, Michael and Gayle today at Black Jack ski club about ten minutes drive past Red Mountain ski resort. I'm definetly getting the hang of it as no falls !!!! I actually looked forward to the downhill sections. Completed a 12km course. Finished off at the Rock Cut for lunch. Thanks to Fiona and Michael for a great morning.

Thursday 29th January - its warmed up

The temperature has improved to -5 degrees, much warmer than the last two days! Had a great days skiing with Peter, Dennis, Fiona, Michael, Gayle, Judy and Hugh

Wednesday 28th - Denis arrives in town

Peter enjoying a meal (and a drink or two) with Denis

Australia Day - 26th January

Celebrated Australia Day in the Rock Cut pub, great time had by all!

Sam & Pauls leaving bash

Had a great night at Kim and Peters house. Gave a great send off to Sam and Paul who were returning home to Australia (-19 degrees to over 40 degrees). Thanks to Kim and Peter for being such great hosts.

Monday 26th January and Tuesday 27th - Its cold!

The weather has turned cold, unusual for Red Mountain. -15 degrees on Monday followed by -19 degrees on Tuesday!

24th January - Trip to Nelson

As I was recovering from a great birthday night out, decided on a long lie in followed by a trip to Nelson with Peter and Gayle. Met up with Sam and Paul in Gericks Ski and Cycle shop (small world) and had lunch with them. It was good to see Sean Sykes again in Gericks who does a great job in boot fitting!

Nelson is a town where time has seemingly stood still. Turn-of-the-century ambiance lingers in every corner from the 350 preserved heritage buildings to the fully restored streetcar. It is located on the shores of the giant Kootenay Lake about an hour and a quarter from Rossland.

Sunday 25 January 2009

23rd January - Pauls birthday bash at the Drift

Enjoyed a great night out with my friends in the Drift Japanese restaurant in Rossland. There were a few sore heads the next day!